

Romans 9:1-29, 11:33-36
This passage introduces a tension which the rest of Romans 9-11 seeks to resolve. How are we to reconcile the incredible promises and privileges given to Israel with their present rejection of the Messiah (and yet the Gentiles have received him)? Has God’s word failed? (9:6) Has God rejected his people? (11:1) Is there any future hope for Israel? (11:11) These questions and more are addressed in the chapters to follow, as Paul helps the Roman church see that the gospel is the continuation and culmination of God’s one, and wonderful (if sometimes mind-transcending) plan of salvation, a plan which includes both Jews and Gentiles. It’s this wonderful plan of salvation which leads Paul to the outburst of praise in the closing words of Chapter 11. Today, we look at the first part of Paul’s answer, as he expounds God’s sovereignty and mercy in Romans 9.