Sermons by Michael Howell

Sermons by Michael Howell

Michael Howell

Who is Like the Lord?

Micah 1 This Sunday morning, Michael introduces our new morning series on the book of Micah. He explains the historical background and context of Micah before showing how Micah 1 demonstrates the announcement of God’s judgement, the extent of God’s judgment, and the reason for God’s judgement on the people of Israel. The heart of the human problem is that we have lifted up other things in worship in the place that only God deserves to be. These are counterfeit…

Learning to Listen

Nehemiah 8 Michael brings the Word of God from Nehemiah 8 this Sunday evening. In it, we see how we are to listen to God’s Word expectantly, attentively, and submissively. Likewise, we are to respond to His Word with tears of repentance, with joyful hearts, and with readiness to obey what He has instructed us to do.

Gospel Shaped Fellowship

Philippians 1:1-11 This Sunday morning, Michael shares with us from Philippians. Paul in Philippians exhorts us that our fellowship in Christ should produce gratitude for each other, affection for each other, and prayers for each other.

The God Who Works Wonders

Psalms 111:1-10 This Sunday morning, Michael exhorts us from Psalm 111. Through this Psalm, we learn to praise the loving God who rescues us, provides for us, gives us our inheritance, and will always keep His word. Truly we can depend on Him for our every need and trust in Him for our salvation.

Faith And Works

James 2:14-26 This Sunday evening, Michael walks us through James 2:14-26, explaining that faith without works is dead. The text demonstrates what counterfeit faith looks like, what genuine faith looks like, as well as applications for how we can live out these principles faithfully as Christians. All our knowledge is useless if it does not flow into the heart and produce action. We are saved by grace alone, We are justified by faith alone but not by a faith that…

The God Who Forgives

Psalm 103:1-22 This Sunday morning, Michael entreats us to look to the goodness and mercy of God. Psalm 103 proclaims God’s abundant blessing, His compassionate heart towards sinners, and His enduring commitment to us.

Seeing Jesus Clearly

Mark 8:22-33 In Mark’s gospel, we see that seeing Jesus clearly requires making a personal decision about who we understand Him to be. He asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”. Seeing Jesus clearly also requires understanding that He suffered and offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. It is only through this sacrifice that we can take up our cross daily, put sin to death, and run the race that is set before us.

Salvation Overflows to the Gentiles

Mark 7:24-8:10 Following on from Jesus’ teaching about clean and unclean things, Jesus moves into “unclean” Gentile territory where he performs three miracles. Increasingly, we see that the message of the kingdom is not only for the Jews, but for Gentiles also.

True Purity

Mark 7:1-13 In this Sermon, Michael exhorts us to love others and not to let tradition take the place of God’s Word in the way we live our Christian life. True purity is a matter of the heart. With a renewed heart we can produce the fruits of the Spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22-23.

The Greatest Treasure

Matthew 13:44-46 On this baptism Sunday, Michael outlines the key differences and similarities between the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the pearl of great value. These parables describe the kingdom of heaven and the different ways that God leads His people to find it. They prompt us to search ourselves and understand the reason for the hope that is within us. Why would we choose to give up everything for Christ?

Jesus, in Old Testament Colour

Mark 6:30-56 In this sermon, Michael explores the relationship between specific events in the Old Testament, and there fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.