"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 9)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 9)

Sunday Evening

The Church

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 We begin our new series in 1 Thessalonians by thinking about the church. What is the church? These verses remind us that the church is the local, gathered people of God, alive in Christ and marked by three essential Christian traits – faith, love and hope.

Jonah’s problem with God

Jonah 4:1-11 Throughout the book of Jonah we encounter a troubled man. And even after God had spared his life and his “successful” ministry to Nineveh, he is still angry with God. But why? In this message we take an honest look into the heart of this reluctant prophet and see the selfish biases that made him so miserable. Ultimately he had a wrong view of God. He wanted judgement on the Ninevites (which Jonah himself deserved) but mercy for…

Out of the depths

Jonah 1:17-2:10 Distress, deliverance, dedication. This is the pattern of every salvation story. Jonah 2 teaches us that to understand God’s grace we must accept the reality of our distress and that only God can deliver us. Such a gracious deliverance ought to lead to our dedication. May we be like Jonah who says, “I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’ “

Nothing in my hand I bring

Luke 18:9-14 We all can be tempted to believe that our spiritual high achieving might make us acceptable to God. But Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector reminds us that only those who come to God empty-handed are accepted by him.

Running from God

Jonah 1:1-4 Jonah reminds us that we cannot outrun God. Going our own way only ever leads to disappointment, brokenness and trouble. The storms of life call us back to God, back to trusting him and serving him.

Come and See

John 1:43-51Nathanael was searching for the one who would set things right for Israel, but when Philip announces that they’ve found this one, he doubts. This story shows us what evangelism in a world of seekers and sceptics requires, both from us and from Jesus.

The all-powerful God

Isaiah 40:25-31One of the most common names for God in the Bible is ‘Almighty God’. But what does that mean? In this message we explore this aspect of God’s divine nature. With a word He can create the universe. He controls the galaxies, overthrows armies, suspends the laws of nature, and oversees every detail of our daily lives. And He has absolute power over sin, death and hell, as he has shown through Christ. Nothing is too difficult for Him.…

The Blessed Life

Psalm 1 presents a contrast between the wicked and the righteous. A fruitful life comes to those who turn away from sin and plant themselves deep in God’s word. How might we do that in 2020?

The all-knowing God

Isaiah 40:25-31Knowledge can be a wonderful thing. Through reading, study and now the internet, it is possible to accumulate a lot of information. But only God knows everything! In our pride we can think we know better than God, doubt His ways, and trust ourselves instead. Claiming to be wise we actually become fools. Because we are human we are not meant to know everything. But we are meant to live in dependence on God. When we do that we…