"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 28)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 28)

Sunday Evening

The new King Arrives

A new kind of King is here. Jesus, the King of kings has arrived and everyone must decide how they’ll respond to this King. Listen as we begin a new series in the last section of Luke’s Gospel. Let us consider own own response to the new King.

Australians or Aliens?

Listen as Pastor Dave shares from 1 Peter about what it means for Christians to live as strangers and aliens in this world.

Fair dinkum or phoney?

The Christian “brand” these days is marketed by high-profile, so-called celebrity Christians – well-known public figures (sporting stars, movie stars, rock singers, even politicians) who claim to be Christians. In fact, there are many people who are happy to identify as “Christian” because it seems cool. But what does a genuine disciple actually look like? Fortunately Jesus answered this question for us 2000 years ago. According to Jesus, there are a number of specific indicators that distinguish those who are real disciples from those who are fake. In this message Pastor Murray looks at several passages that spell these out. Warning: expect to be challenged.

Planning Properly

This time of year brings with it the chance to sit down and plan the year ahead. Most of us who are planners may have already done this exercise for 2015 and beyond. The bible tells us it is wise and proper to make plans, but that we must do so with a proper biblical understanding of time, and with the right perspective in mind. Listen as Pastor Dave shares from James 4 about how we can plan properly in 2015.

The Struggle To Obey When God Calls

What are your plans for the future? Your career … your finances … your family etc.? According to tonight’s passage, careful planning has its limits, because God may have other ideas. Moses was in a comfortable groove, but God called him to take on a totally unexpected and scary challenge. Moses tried one excuse after another, till finally in desperation he said to God: “…please send someone else to do it”. But God wasn’t interested in his excuses. In so many ways we can be just like Moses when God comes calling. We convince ourselves that He is wrong and our plans are better. But when God calls, He also provides all we need to do the job He is asking. What is God asking of you today? Are you ready, willing and available?

Ben Cumberford: Be Holy Like God is by Loving Your Neighbour

Leviticus 19:9-18 has 5 groups of laws which tell Israel how they are to be holy like God is. They are to be holy by caring for the poor and needy, by dealing with others in honesty and integrity, by not abusing power they have over others, by ensuring justice, and ultimately by loving others. In fact, love sums up all these groups of laws and is to be the fundamental way that we relate to everyone else we come across. Jesus fulfilled these laws in his ministry and the way he fulfils them powerfully displays the gospel. As a response to Jesus person and works, Christians today are to be holy like God is by being like Jesus in the way that he fulfils the law.

An Invitation To Worship

Psalm 95 is an invitation for the people of God to join together and worship. But what does this mean? What, in particular, are we invited to do as we join together in worship? Listen as we hear the invitation of Psalm 95. Let us consider what a wonderful privilege it is to meet each week as God’s people.

A Beautiful Gift

The grace of God is a beautiful gift. It is a gift that ought to be on display so that the world can know how precious it is to us. However, a divided church that is always fighting about silly issues makes the precious gift of grace look a whole lot less precious than it really is. In tonight’s passage, Paul concludes his instructions to Titus with some advice on how to approach divisive issues and divisive people in the church. We see that grace demands unity and that our unity shows off grace.

Changed by Grace

Churches are vulnerable to rogue ideas and deceptive teachers. They need good leadership. They need sound teaching. Tonight’s passage stresses the importance of two vital aspects of this teaching …… firstly, what God expects of us in terms of Christian behaviour, and secondly, how God’s grace is the key to true and lasting change and growth in our lives. Not only are we saved by grace. We are also changed by grace. It is only with God’s help that we can really say “No” to ungodliness and “Yes” to godliness. When we really understand this enabling grace, then it not only makes the Christian life possible. It makes it necessary!