Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 5)

Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 5)

Guest Speaker

Greg Beaumont: The secret righteousness of the King’s people

Jesus has just given a massive lesson on Kingdom ethics and he finishes with those daunting words “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”. In Matthew 6:1-18 Jesus piles even more on top of us – we can’t just strive for perfect actions but we need perfect motives too otherwise we will get no heavenly reward. This all seems too much, except that Jesus tells us that these expectations are played out in relationship with God – our loving heavenly Father – who sent his son to die for us. What a joy it is to seek to please a Father like this!

Greg Beaumont: The Passover

The Exodus story is one of many big “movie moments”. But perhaps there is no moment bigger in the Exodus story than that of the final plague and Passover. There are many things that we can learn about God from this massive moment: His power, his judgment, the freedom he secures for his people from suffering. But there is a bigger lesson to be learned in this passage. As we look at the plague and the Passover meal we discover that Israel has a much larger problem than Pharaoh and that this problem isn’t isolated to them alone – it is the fundamental problem that all humanity faces, including us today. Thankfully the Passover Lamb offers the solution.

Peter Francis: Don’t waste the grace

In this message we look at Jesus’ gracious second call to the Apostle Peter to “Follow him”, even after Peter had three times denied him. Much had changed during the past 3 ½ years between this call and Jesus’ first call to him beside the Sea of Galilee. What caused Peter to finally come to understand the gift of God’s grace? What caused him to realise this gift of grace was not just for him to receive, but for him to pass on to others, so that they in turn might become the recipients of this amazing grace? In this message we seek to find some answers and at the same time find much that challenges our hearts about what it means to live in and by this grace.

Greg Beaumont: No doubt

We live in a world where doubt is the default state. We are told that nothing can be truly be known. John pushes us to see that Christian’s have no reason for doubt by describing true faith in three areas – its origin, its object and its outflows. Finally, he wraps up by describing the witnesses for Christian faith. In all this he shows us that Christians can know for sure that we will inherit eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Ben Peacock: Keep calm, Jesus is on the throne

The book of Acts describes the ripple effect of the good news of God’s Kingdom launching in Jerusalem and spreading throughout Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. The Church of Jesus Christ grew significantly during this time, however, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. There was also significant opposition, suffering and persecution that rose against the Church. As people who live in a ‘post Christian’ society, it’s very easy for us to fall into the trap of either running away from suffering or fighting against it. However, the book of Acts reminds us that God will grow his Church in spite of opposition to His Gospel message. The true hope that the Church has is found in Jesus’ promise that He will grow His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Greg Beaumont: Motivations to fight sin

The fight against sin in the Christian life is incredibly difficult. In this passage, John points out three objective realities to help motivate his readers to fight hard against sin. But not only this, John uses these objective realities to show that for a Christian, a life of ongoing sin is simply incompatible and that they should not be deceived by anyone who tells them different!