Kids Holiday Club (Page 64)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 64)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Making the most out of Singleness

The word “singleness” strikes fear into the hearts of the vast majority of young adults (and many of those who are older, too!). The prospect of never marrying can be very depressing. And for those who want to honour God in the matter of relationships, the advice is very different from simply joining an online dating service or joining the workmates for a Friday night of clubbing. In this message Pastor Murray shares some guidance from the Bible, warns about some lies Satan uses to deceive us, and offers some practical advice to help us avoid the pain of singleness, and instead, shows how to use it positively in growing closer to Christ and serving Him.

Work while you wait – How Christians should wait for Jesus return

How should Christians wait for Jesus to return? Jesus taught his disciples that we should work, while we wait. He has given us responsibilities and opportunities to serve him while we wait. Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Matthew 25:14-30 and provides seven stewardship lessons for those waiting for Jesus to return.

Sexual Purity

Tune in as Pastor Dave tackles the topic of sexual purity and ‘the line’ in relationships with an interactive Q&A. Answers to Q&A

Survival Guide for Motherhood

Mothers are amazing people! Their role requires great selflessness, versatility and perseverance, plus huge reserves of physical and emotional energy. It’s definitely not a job for the faint-hearted. But it is also arguably the most important job in the world …. and potentially the most rewarding! With family life becoming more and more complicated today, and so many so-called “family life experts” dispensing their sometimes-dubious “wisdom”, there is a great need for clarity on this subject. In this message Pastor Murray shares eight valuable guidelines to help Christian mothers find sanity and fulfilment in their role in the 21st century.

Building Loving Relationships

We all want to have good quality, loving relationships, but sometimes relationships can just seem like hard work. As we begin our new relationships series tonight, we’re asking the question, “how do we build loving relationships?” Listen as we consider God’s wisdom for answering this question.

The radically changed life

Christians come in many different guises and we should not expect Christians to be clones of one another. How boring would that be! And what would that say about God’s creativity? However there are several life-changing factors that ought to be true in the experience of every Christian. Firstly, there is an initial life-changing encounter with Jesus. Secondly, there is a new, life-changing motivation for living. And thirdly, there is a life-changing message to be shared with others. “If anyone is in Christ he (or she) is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.” (v.17). You simply cannot be the same after personally encountering Christ. By the way, what difference has Christ made in your life?

Core Values (Part 2)

In this message we are considering the remaining six Core Values that help shape and define us as a church. Each of these values has a strong biblical foundation and therefore deserves to be taken seriously. While City North is far from a perfect church (what church is?), all of us who are a part of it have the opportunity to help it live out these values, and in doing so, honour Christ who is our Chief Pastor.

City North Values – Love, Bible, Gospel, Relationships

Earlier this year, the young adults of City North gave some feedback on what it is that they think defines us as a church and as a young adults group. We talked about our values, our strengths and our weaknesses. Tonight, we’ll have a look at some of this feedback, consider what the Bible has to say about what we should value and then think about some of the practical ways we can express our shared values as a church.

The prayer of Jesus (part 1)

The Bible records many prayers and they come in many different forms. In John 17 we get to listen in to a very personal prayer, prayed by Jesus only a few hours before he went to the cross. No doubt His heart was very heavy. But what is obvious is a very clear awareness that in His death and resurrection He was bringing to completion the mission God had given Him. God the Father and also Jesus the Son would both be glorified through this. But now it was time for the disciples to continue that gospel mission. So Jesus picks up these themes as he prays for Himself, His eleven disciples ….. and indirectly for all of us who live faithfully for Him in the world today.

Good News for the Confused

Confusion …. questions …. doubts …. fears. We all know what these feel like. And that’s the way it was with the disciples of Jesus on the night before He would die on the cross. What would it mean for these men that he was leaving them? So Jesus took the opportunity to reassure them and give them hope. Sure, life would be different (and even difficult), but in a positive way. As we face the uncertainties of our lives, there is one great certainty that we must cling to, and that is Jesus Christ Himself. He takes our questions, doubts and fears and assures us that in Him we can know joy, answers to our prayers, and God’s peace, whatever we may be facing. Are you trusting Him today?