Kids Holiday Club (Page 62)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 62)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Brotherly conflict

Deception, moral failure and conflict. That pretty much sums up the the story of Jacob and Esau! None of the characters in this story cover themselves in glory. And yet, one again, we see that God continues to work out his purposes despite the sinfulness of his people. Along the way we learn a couple of lessons for ourselves. Our God is a good God. There is nothing more valuable than what he has in store for us.

God’s free offer of a new heart

Sometimes we like holding on to old things. But there are also times when we have to be ruthless and replace old, worn out things that are no longer doing the job. The old priesthood, sacrifices and covenant that God had established with the Israelites at Mt Sinai 1400 years earlier had failed. A whole new way of coming to God was required. The prophet Jeremiah announced around 600BC that a day would come when God would introduce a new covenant, based on grace, in which God would forgive people’s sins, change their hearts, and relate to them personally. Jesus has made this possible. We all need this inward change of heart, and Jesus it offering it to each of us today. Have you experienced this miracle?

What Melchizedek teaches us about Jesus

Many of us find Hebrews 7 a hard chapter of the Bible to understand. In the terms of Hebrews 5:14, it’s “solid food”! But a little effort is richly rewarded. In this message Pastor Murray works through the passage explaining who Melchizedek is and how God uses him as a model for a whole new way of “drawing near” to Him. No longer do we come to God through a complex system of priests and sacrifices. We come through the one perfect high priest who has offered Himself as the “once for all” sacrifice for sins – Jesus Christ. In every way Jesus is better! He guarantees to “save completely” those who trust in Him. Are you looking for a Saviour? Why not look to Jesus today?

Covenant Confirmed

Thirteen long years after Ishmael is born, God finally speaks to Abram again. He confirms his covenant with Abram, changing his name to Abraham, promising him a son named Isaac through Sarah, and giving him the sign of circumcision. We are people of the new covenant. This new covenant involves a new kind of circumcision, the “circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit” (Rom 2:29).

Warnings to Believers

A 5 year old taking a baby’s bottle to school suggests that there is something wrong! Under normal circumstances we expect babies to keep growing and maturing year by year. So it is meant to be with a Christian’s spiritual progress. In the first big challenge from today’s passage the question is asked: Are you growing ? In particular, are you growing in your understanding and living out of God’s word? Because every Christian should be! The second big challenge is to unbelievers, especially to the person who may think he or she is a Christian, yet their life clearly does not reflect this. This is to “fall away” from Christ and face God’s permanent rejection. Is it time to “examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith” (2 Corinthians 13:5)?

Chaos & Control

Tonight we are presented with a stark contrast between mankind and God. Firstly we see Abram and Sarai make a compromise, deciding to do things their way instead of God’s. Their decision results in chaos. But then we see God intervene. On display are God’s immense compassion and his perfect control. How will we respond to a God such as this?

Jesus Our Great High Priest

Today’s passage begins: “Since we have a great high priest …. Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess”. For many of us the idea of priests and their role is not particularly familiar. But in the Old Testament priests had a vital role, standing between God and the people, offering sacrifices for their sins, and keeping them connected to God. Do we needs priests to serve us in this way today? Well, no! And the reason why is explained in today’s passage. Jesus himself has become our “great high priest” who suffered and died for us, and can therefore sympathise with us and represent us directly before God. We don’t need an earthly priest but we do need Jesus. Are you “holding firmly” to Him today?

An Amazing Conversation About Trusting God

Do you ever find it hard to trust God? It is comforting to read in the scriptures how God works in the lives of his people, enabling them to trust in him. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at Genesis 15 and how God worked in Abram’s life, enabling him to trust the promises that God had given to him.

Answering The Call

God has a plan to make things right in this world. As we begin our new series, “God’s master plan” we meet the man with whom that plan began, Abram. As we look at Abram’s call, his obedient response and ongoing faith, we are forced to ask ourselves how we will respond to the call of God.