Sermons from November 2019

Sermons from November 2019

Immutable: The God of Limitless Sameness

We live in a world of constant change and, to a large extent, being adaptable is celebrated. And yet we often live as though we, or the things in our lives are constant. But God is the only one who does not change! His Character remains fixed, his plans remain steady, and his promises remain firm. This truth gives comfort, freedom, and certainty to the believer.

The Greatest Invitation

Isaiah 55:1-13 God issues a universal and urgent invitation to us to come to the banquet of grace. To accept the invitation is to repent, turning from our wicked ways and thoughts. Those who do will experience the mercy of the God who fully pardons and know that their future is certain and better than they could ever imagine.


God is eternal. We are not. This reality should shape the way we live now and the way we view the future. Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Ps 90:14).

A day to be thankful!

Psalm 100:1-5 Comment: Being thankful should come naturally to Christians, but sometimes we need to set time aside to do it intentionally. Today is such an occasion for us at City North, and this message reminds us of some specific reasons why we ought to be thankful in 2019. “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

The self-sufficient God

Isaiah 40:12-25Understanding all there is to know about God is a task too big for any human mind to fully comprehend. But there is always more for us to discover about God through the pages of the Bible. In this message Pastor Murray explores God’s self-sufficiency. He is perfectly able to look after Himself without being dependent on anyone or anything else. He does not need us, but we need Him. We have been created to be dependent on Him.…


The first of our series on some of the ways that God is different from us. God is self-existent. He has no origin and he is the origin of all things. This truth should shape the way we depend on him for life, the way we understand and use our creativity and the way we worship.

Good news for troubled times

Isaiah 49:1-50:3Where do we turn when life seems hopeless? Isaiah is writing to his people in exile in Babylon, slaves with no apparent hope of being rescued. Except that God had not forgotten them. Firstly, He promised that a day would come when He would send them His “servant”, whom we now know as the Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate Deliverer. But secondly, He promised that a day was coming when He would set them free and lead them back…