Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

Kingdom living in relationship with others

From judging others, to how we pray, to doing to others what we’d like them to do to us; Jesus covers various issues in these verses as he helps his followers to see the implications of being part of the Kingdom for all of their lives, in particular in relationship with other people.

God on our side

There are times in life, especially when we are nervous or afraid, when we need to be reassured that God is with us. In today’s passage we see how God did this for the Israelites in a rather remarkable way – using a foreign king, a pagan clairvoyant and a talking donkey! God can use anyone or anything to make get His message across. And what a word it was! Through Balaam God assured the Israelites that He was their faithful God who would honour all His promises to them and bless them. The same God makes promises to us, His redeemed people, today. Are you facing difficulties? Is your faith wavering? Then this message is for you.

God’s Glory Alone

Because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to God’s Word alone, God alone is the one who deserves all the glory. We are saved for his glory, we live for his glory and one day we will share in his glory.

Faith Alone

Salvation is found in Christ alone and comes by grace alone. But as a gift, is must be received to be of any consequence for the individual. So we ask, “How do we receive salvation?” The gift of salvation is received by faith alone. A believer is justified before God by faith alone. Real saving faith involves knowledge, assent and trust. Real saving faith leads to assurance, peace and humility in the life of the believer.

Cows, corpses and cleansing

God’s gracious provision of an instant sin offering to cure the uncleanness of his people reminds us that in Christ we have one who cleanses us not externally and temporarily, but internally and eternally.

Grace Alone

The doctrine of Grace Alone reminds us of our desperate need for grace and that God has acted in grace towards us, offering us the free gift of salvation.

Christ Alone

“Christ Alone” affirms that because of his exclusive identity, and the sufficiency of his saving work, Christ alone is the basis of our salvation.

Arrogant people vs a holy God

Throughout history there have been many famous examples of people who have openly defied God. When Korah led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, he was actually defying God Himself. What God did to Korah and his followers is a frightening warning to anyone who would arrogantly reject His appointed leaders. Still today God is looking for people who will live holy lives, humbly submitted to His authority, and approaching Him in the only acceptable way – through the Lord Jesus Christ, our great High Priest.

Scripture Alone

“Scripture Alone” affirms that the Bible is our final authority when it comes to knowing God’s truth.