"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 18)

"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 18)

Sunday Morning

Death, Resurrection, Eternal Life

It’s not surprising that death is a bit of a taboo subject in our culture. It’s not easy to talk about. But we must. How should we view death as Christians? And what happens when I die? These are the questions we’ll ask of the Bible in this message as we continue our Facing the Future series.

Differing views about the end times (part 2)

Revelation 20:1-10 The end times have always been a source of speculation and debate among Christians, and no more so than how we understand (a) the role of Israel and (b) the question of the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ in the last days. For some Christians these subjects barely make it onto their radar, while for others they demand compulsive attention. In this message Pastor Murray gives us a balanced overview of the main positions adopted by evangelicals,…

Differing views about the end times (part 1)

While no serious believer doubts the fact of Christ’s return, many will have differing views on the events and key people who will play important roles in the lead up to that day. Today we look in greater detail at some of these: tribulations, antichrists, the beast, Armageddon and apostasy in the church. And what do we make of the so-called ‘Great Tribulation’ and ‘the Antichrist’? Perhaps this message will help clarify for you what the Bible says about these…

Jesus is coming back!

Any discussion about the future from a Christian perspective inevitably centres on one key event – the second coming of Christ. And in the Christian worldview, all of history is heading towards that climax. Everywhere we look the New Testament is littered with this teaching. But does it make any practical difference to our lives? In this message we see afresh the relevance of this important doctrine for our faith today. And with the saints of old we also cry…

Christian community in an individualistic world

Romans 12:9-21 One of the most powerful ways Christians impact those around them is by the way they relate together. Sometimes we simply take for granted this mysterious thing called “fellowship”, yet many people in modern society long for this. A common observation of the early Christians by their pagan neighbours was: “See how they love one another”. In this message we are challenged to make this love practical, not just to our best friends, but also to the those…

Humility in an Entitled World

Philippians 2:1-8 Increasingly these days we see a sense of ‘entitlement’ creeping into our national psyche. We are told to stand up for ourselves and ‘grow a spine’. But the whole essence of the gospel teaches us the opposite. And the kingdom values of Jesus fly in the face of the mood of our modern world. Listen in as Pastor Murray challenges us to follow Christ in our relationships and in our ministries, and show the world that denying self…

Sexual purity in a permissive world

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8It goes without saying that modern society is very open about sex, and there is great pressure today adopt a permissive lifestyle. In the days of the early church things were very similar, perhaps even more extreme. So how does God want Christians to live in this sort of world? In this message Pastor Murray deals with God’s view of sex and marriage in a clear and uncompromising way …. a message that needs to be heard today.

The secret of contentment

Philippians 4:4-13For all the creature comforts and blessings of modern life, many people today, including many Christians, are actually quite discontented. Why? Particularly through TV and the internet we are being constantly bombarded with reminders of what we don’t have or want we ought to have in order to be happy. Just as the devil deceived Adam and Eve with this tactic, so he uses it very effectively against us today. So what’s the secret? In Philippians 3 Paul tells…

2020 Vision

Mark 10:46-52The story of Bartimaeus reminds us that only Jesus can fix our spiritual eyes and that Jesus is the only one on whom our eyes should be fixed. Whatever our personal goals or ambitions might be for 2020, let us prioritise seeing Christ – crucified, risen, reigning and returning – more clearly.

Recognising the ‘Christ’ of Christmas

Luke 2:1-20Despite the medical variables of childbirth, most babies make fairly unspectacular entries into the world. In many parts of the world they are still not born in a hospital. Nor was Jesus. Yet despite His humble birth, He has divided history! As we consider the people mentioned in the Christmas story, we can’t help noticing a variety of different responses to this newborn baby – the innkeeper, the shepherds, King Herod and the wise men. Still today people struggle…