Sermons by John Spranklin (Page 6)

Sermons by John Spranklin (Page 6)

John Spranklin

The Final Destination

Isaiah 65:17 – 66:24The final chapters of Isaiah’s prophecy look to a future reality beyond exile in Babylon, beyond return to Jerusalem, beyond Christ’s first coming, and to a new creation. Central to it will be God’s eternal purpose of gathering people from all nations to see his glory. But not all will be included. And so we are left to ask our selves the questions: Is that where I am going? Does the life I’m living now align with…

Immutable: The God of Limitless Sameness

We live in a world of constant change and, to a large extent, being adaptable is celebrated. And yet we often live as though we, or the things in our lives are constant. But God is the only one who does not change! His Character remains fixed, his plans remain steady, and his promises remain firm. This truth gives comfort, freedom, and certainty to the believer.

The Futility of Idolatry

Isaiah 44:6-23 “Shall I bow down to a block of wood?” Idolatry is Isaiah’s day involved statues made of wood, stone and metal. Idolatry in our present context involves finding our sense of identity, our self-worth or our joy in anything other than God alone. It is subtle, deceptive and pervasive. Isaiah helps us to see the absurdity of making and worshiping idols and encourages us to offer ourselves exclusively to the God who alone is in control and who…

Cleansed By The Blood

Psalm 51 All of us rebel against God. Like King David who committed adultery and murder, even we who know God in covenant relationship as Father and as our Saviour, willfully rebel against him. And like King David, none of us are too far gone for God to forgive and restore us. In Psalm 51 we follow David from crying for mercy and confessing sin, through cleansing and renewal, to living a changed life to the glory of God. This…