Sermons on 2 John

Sermons on 2 John

2 John

Dealing with Deception

2 John 1-13 As it did in the first century, false teaching poses a real threat to Christians today. In his letter, the Apostle John warns us to be alert to this, and gives us the tools to deal with attempts to deceive God’s people.

Greg Beaumont: Walk in Truth and Love

It shouldn’t surprise Christians that there are so many false teachers around. Jesus predicted it and many of the NT letters confirm his prediction. But what is the church to do in the face of false teachers? 2 John gives instructions to a church facing the imminent arrival of false teachers. John tells the church that they are to walk in truth and love! This means, firstly, that they are to lovingly watch themselves and each other to ensure that no one is deceived by false teaching and loses their reward. And secondly, that they are to be careful who they welcome into the church so that the precious truths of who Jesus is and what he has done can be preserved and treasured.