Sermons from 2020

Sermons from 2020

The Sinful Woman

Luke 7:36-50 In this story of Jesus’ encounter with a sinful woman, Jesus and Simon the Pharisee see her very differently. Simon sees her only as a ‘sinner’ because he misunderstands how God sees her. Jesus teaches that God has everything to do with sinners who turn to him! Once we belong to Jesus our lives are lived out of love and gratitude toward him because of his great love for us!

Born is the King

Matthew 2:1-12 That first Christmas, a king was born. And he’s still king today. As we take a closer look at the way that Herod, the wise men and the religious leaders respond to the birth of Jesus we’re led to ask “which of these characters am I most like?” How do you respond to King Jesus?

Simeon’s Song

Luke 2:25-35 Christmas is a time of great anticipation. In today’s passage, we meet Simeon, a man who has been waiting with great anticipation for the Lord’s Messiah. In Jesus, Simeon finally sees the one he has been waiting for and he praises God for his gift of salvation. But he also has a sombre warning for Mary. This baby might be the bringer of peace, but he will also face great hostility, as will all who pledge their allegiance…

True Confidence

Philippians 3:1-11 We are accepted by God through faith in Jesus rather than through faith in our own performance.

Zechariah’s Song

Luke 1:57-80 At the birth of his son, John the Baptist, Zechariah breaks into song. His words speak of the coming of the Lord and John’s future role in preparing the way for his coming. In Zechariah’s song we see that God knows what we need more than anything – we need saving from sin and for God to restore our broken relationship with him. He has given us all of this and more in sending his Son Jesus to…

Giving God your Full Attention

Hebrews 1:1-2:4 In these last days God has spoken to us by his Son – the one who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. This is utterly remarkable that God would reveal himself to us to this extent. If we are to hold on to our salvation, and not drift, we must give God our full attention, never losing sight of the grandeur of Jesus and the wonder and goodness of the gospel.

Mary’s song

Luke 1:46-55 Mary magnifies the Lord because he is mindful of us, mighty, and merciful. She celebrates because of the great blessings that will come through the baby she carries. These blessings are for her, for the socially marginalised and for all the descendants of Abraham, including us.

God’s personal invitation

Matthew 22:1-14 Everyone loves a good wedding … or do they? It seems not, especially when it comes to the heavenly wedding banquet God has planned. The parable Jesus told about this wedding reveals three particular responses to God’s invitation. Some are outright rejecters. Some are grateful (if undeserving) accepters. Others are self-righteous impostors. The invitation is clear and very gracious, but we must all respond personally. What is your response?

Partners together in Christ

Philippians 1:3-11 In today’s message Pastor Murray farewells the City North church he has pastored for the past 19 years. Using Paul’s heartfelt words to the Philippians, he urges us to see the vital importance of the gospel in defining the character and ministry of the church. He also expresses his confidence that God will continue to complete the work He has been doing in our lives. And like Paul, he prays that we might always keep growing in our…

Alert Living

Ephesians 5:15-21 In the final part of our series on the new self, we see that the new self lives an alert life. This alertness is expressed as we walk through life wisely and allow God to fill us with His Spirit.

The Worthy Pastor

1 Peter 5:1-4 Churches need godly leaders, especially when times are tough. But what makes a good pastor or elder? What should we look for when choosing our leaders? The words of the old apostle Peter in today’s passage are urgently necessary for us today … men who understand their calling to spiritually shepherd God’s people, men whose character and motives are pure, and men who are not seeking earthly recognition or reward. May God in His kindness raise up…

In the Light

Ephesians 5:3-14In Christ, we have been transformed from darkness to light and we are called to live as children of light – putting off immorality and impurity, and instead, living lives characterised by goodness, righteousness and truth.